Biden Family Gets Christmas Present That Could END Joe Biden’s Campaign

Joe Biden
Photo via Today YouTube Video Screenshot

For Joe Biden, the ideal Christmas present would be the other candidates dropping out so he does not have to flounder through the rest of this primary.

What he got instead was news that his son Hunter Biden might be under investigation for something that could ruin his third run at the presidency.

Hunter’s Baby’s Momma

When Hunter Biden was serving on the board of Burisma, the only thing we thought he had to do to earn his paycheck was pick it up at the mailbox and head over to the local strip bar.

Once there, Hunter would order a few lap dances with a stripper named Dallas.

Dallas’ real name happens to be Lunden Roberts, who also happens to be the mother of Hunter Biden’s illegitimate son.

In an effort to collect child support and benefits from Hunter, Lunden’s legal team (or some other interested party) apparently hired a private investigator to look into Hunter’s financials to ensure he was providing the court with all the information and not trying to hide something.

As it turns out, the private investigator found something even better… Hunter Biden is allegedly the focus of several criminal investigations, including one that is focusing on a money-laundering scheme for Burisma that was carried out, in part, by Hunter Biden.

The Court Filings

The news was first reported by the New York Post, which stated Roberts’ case in Arkansas revealed the investigations.

As part of the paternity filing, the investigator found several criminal investigations currently underway involving the former VP’s son.

In the Burisma case, Hunter is being accused of opening up several financial accounts for Burisma at Morgan Stanley.

Burisma used these accounts to allegedly launder almost $7 million while Biden was on its board.

This is not exactly far-fetched, as Burisma’s founder had all of his assets frozen by the UK for a money-laundering investigation the same month that Hunter was named to the board.

If this all turns out to be true, Democrats are going to have a lot to answer for.

This will mean that Donald Trump would have been 100 percent right for wanting this investigated, yet he was impeached for it.

More importantly, Joe Biden will finally have to answer for the fact his son is a deadbeat dad and a criminal.

Even if they are unable to trace it directly back to Joe Biden, the optics on this are not going to be good.

If these reported investigations wind up with Hunter in a jumpsuit, it is a pretty safe bet that Joe Biden will be shamed into withdrawing from the presidential race.