Jon Voight is a rare breed in Hollywood. He is a true American patriot who speaks his mind. And in today’s politically-correct, offend-no-one-or-your-career-is-over climate, that is refreshing.
Standing out in a sea of cookie-cutter Liberal snowflakes, the Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning actor has tweeted out a series of inspiring videos. In his latest, he greets his “Fellow Americans” and reminds us all exactly what this country stands for.
“We are ALL in this TOGETHER”
Voight first embraces unity, disregarding divisions of “color, religion.beliefs”. He reminds us that as Americans, we all want our freedoms. “This is who we are,” he tells the camera. “This is who we want to be.”
Then Jon Voight talks about hope, an important subject, considering the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
“We will not allow any darkness to swallow this Nation’s pride, for she stands with LIGHT.”
Voight then condemns the Left’s actions during this crisis. He says, “And the Democrats’ behavior is trying to keep darkness and power.” He calls it “cruelty” and a “disgrace to mankind”.
He talks about Democrats “power of deceit”, but reminds us that “the truth will always prevail”. The truth about “who we are”, he says, is found in the Declaration of Independence.
The 81-year-old Voight calls this “the fight of our lives” , but says, “we will rise and we will shine once again”.
We can do this, Voight says, because Republicans are the embodiment of the words and ideas of “Jefferson and Adams; Jackson and Abraham Lincoln”.
He says that Republicans should “hold our heads up high”, because “we are strength, we are Evil’s greatest enemy, and we’ll win this war,”
Voight : “We Will Rise”
A week earlier, Voight posted a video talking about the role of the United States within God’s plan. He said, “…God’s only meaning is Life…” then mentioned how all religions and ancient texts have “…all been with America, for America”.
“She is the Land of Freedom. She holds her sign, her torch, for all to remember what she stands for, that is, God’s Freedom.”
Voight then poetically said, “…we give this nation…a push through this dark. For He has said, ‘Let there be Light.’”
“This Nation is under God”
Three weeks prior to that, Voight spoke about how America will overcome the virus that has slowed our economy and disrupted our way of life. Once again, he encourages his fellow Americans and offers hope.
“…we will rid this virus. We will be strong, because we are the greatest gift to mankind.”
Jon Voight Opened His Eyes
As a young man, Voight was a vocal Liberal. He protested the Vietnam War alongside Jane Fonda and worked for George McGovern’s policies.
But as he got older, Jon Voight’s political views matured. By 2008, he wrote that he regretted the anti-war protests of his youth, With the hindsight that comes with age, he now says that the so-called Peace Movement of the 1960s and 1970s were actually fueled by Marxist propaganda.
Today, Voight is a staunch, outspoken Republican. He denounces the Democrat Party for supporting Barack Obama, who would “demoralize this country and help create a socialist America”.
He calls Donald Trump “the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln”.