Oprah got raw on a recent episode of her influential TV soap box, baring her soul to reveal exactly how deeply she despises White people, simply for their inherent “whiteness.” To over-top it off, she rounded up some White liberals to put on display for a disgusting session of guilt shaming. What she doesn’t seem to realize is that it only underscores how the racism coming out of the Black community is embraced and endorsed by the mainstream media propaganda mill, if they aren’t guilty of manufacturing it all in the first place.
Oprah goes on racist rant
The Oprah Conversation hauls in a bundle. The network considers Winfrey the goose that lays all their golden eggs, and she makes a whole lot more than chicken feed in the process. While living an ostensibly “White” lifestyle of upper-class champaign and caviar, she recently dared to pollute the airwaves with a totally racist rant. Network execs wouldn’t dare pull her plug, especially when the ratings spike proves all her progressive viewers were glued to the tube to download the mental programming.
America, Oprah scathingly insists, is a “caste system” of “whiteness” and “white privilege.” She brought ex-NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho on stage for the first installment of “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.” The affluent and successful Black man wasn’t the slightest bit uncomfortable but Winfrey turned him into an expert on racism, White privilege and whiteness in general. The uncomfortable ones were the White folks, who were treated like the masochistic whimpering fools that they seemed to be. They were only there to gratuitously accept a symbolic whipping from their supposedly rightful Black masters. As Acho declared, “They run America. Not an individual white person, but collective white people.”
Oprah gave the servile White supplicants a pat on the head for coming clean about being so “racist.” White people by themselves aren’t so much the problem, she insists. It’s when they gather together in groups you have to worry about them. She calls it a “caste” system, like they have in India. “There are White people who are not as powerful as the system of White people — the caste system that’s been put in place — but they still, no matter where they are on the rung, or the ladder of success, they still have their whiteness.”

You still have your ‘whiteness’
Black is beautiful these days, and everyone knows that beauty is only skin deep. White, on the other hand, is ugly and goes all the way through. No matter how liberal you are or which causes you write checks to, according to Oprah, “you still have your whiteness.” She goes on to explain to White folks who are a little slow on these things, “That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter. It is the fundamental issue.”
Seth, who proudly declared his heritage as a “Jewish man from Manhattan, New York,” was displayed on camera to millions of rabid progressives to castigate himself and describe his “awakening.” Oprah soothingly invited him to open up. “You’ve become ‘woke’ during this period, and realized in that awakening that you are racist, right? I just want to know how that happened.”
The way it happened, Seth admitted to Oprah, “I was born.” The hideous crime occurred in the late 70’s in Manhattan. He never identified as White. He’s more trans-racial. “I’ve always considered myself to be liberal,” Seth promises, “Now I’m not only a friend of people of color but also an advocate.” He’s been totally overwhelmed by what the Black Lives Matter propaganda has taught him. “This movement over the last month has been powerful. I realized that I couldn’t be not racist.” He goes on to explain, “I realized that I either was a racist or an anti-racist, and I wasn’t — I’m not — an anti-racist.”
Emmanuel Acho was quick to explain to Oprah fans how Whites living a White life are the root of the problem. “Here’s what I told my friends with their White children,” he advises, “I said, ‘Y’all live in a white cul-de-sac, in a white neighborhood, in a white city, in a white state.” Simply because they have low crime rates and good schools is no excuse. “If you’re not careful, your children will live their whole life white, and at 26, 27, they’ll end up being a part of the problem, because you just let them and allowed them to live a completely white, sheltered, and culture-less life.” The whole problem is that America is run by Whites, Acho argues. “they run America, CEOs, Fortune 500 companies, execs, ownership.” He doesn’t stop to think that maybe that’s because they went to college and earned degrees. It must be because they’re White.