WOW: Michelle Obama Just Publicly Trashed Her Own Children

Michelle Obama recently publicly trashed her own children in Becoming, a newly released documentary on Netflix about the life of Obama. The documentary is based on her book Becoming, a best-selling memoir that she promoted in 34 cities on a book tour in 2018-19. Selfishly, in the Netflix documentary, Obama detailed how the births of her daughters, Mailia Ann and Sasha, derailed her career and dreams.

In the documentary Becoming, Obama declared, ā€œThe thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasnā€™t really ready for that. That really made it harder. Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams.ā€

This quote is not quite surprising coming from Obama. The former First Lady has been a proponent of feminism and other social justice issues during her adult life beginning with her Princeton thesis entitled, ā€˜Princeton Educated Blacks in the Black Communityā€™. Her thesis stated, ā€œ(my) experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my ā€œBlacknessā€ than ever before.ā€

Michelle Obama stood tall with her socialist husband, Barack, for eight years while he was United States President. The Obamas supported Black Lives Matter, divided Americans by continually speaking about racial issues, and backed the #MeToo movement.

Michelle Obama as Vice President?

The timing of the documentary Becoming is noteworthy. The Obamas reached a deal with Netflix to produce films and television shows for the streaming service company. Higher Ground Productions, the Obamaā€™s production company, agreed to produce at least seven programs for Netflix. Supposedly, the platform would not be used as a campaign against President Donald Trump and other conservatives, according to the New York Times.

Yet, rumors abound that presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden, as well as other Democrats, has interest in Michelle Obama being Bidenā€™s Vice President. Although the former First Lady has demonstrated little intention for the position, rumblings of a Biden-Obama duo persist.

Biden has mentioned that he would choose Obama, recently polled as ā€˜the most admired woman in the world,ā€™ as Vice President ā€œin a heartbeatā€ and described her ā€œas brilliantā€. Might Obama be ready to resume her ā€˜aspirations and dreamsā€™?Ā Ā 

Furthermore, on April 26,ā€™ The Committee to Draft Michelle Obamaā€™ filed as a non-connected Political Action Committee (PAC) according to the Federal Election Committee (FEC). This campaign is backed by Democratic fundraisers, including Nadine Hack and Mack Wilbourn, according to ABC News.

The PAC released a statement claiming, ā€œMs. Obama, the most admired woman in America, will be a vital asset this November, when Vice President Biden will face an uphill battle to combat the lies and deceit emanating from the White House.ā€

Is Netflixā€™s current release of Becoming not a simple coincidence?Ā 

With Creepy Joe Biden facing image troubles due to Tara Readeā€™s accusations of sexual assault, the Democrats just might be desperate enough to fetch Michelle Obama to use feministic and racial rhetoric to try to deter Donald Trump from reelection.Ā 


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