Joe Biden Forgets What State He Is In… Again

Joe Biden forgetful

Someone needs to start holding up cue cards for Joe Biden with the name of the state where he is appearing so he doesn’t make this mistake again.

This time, though, there was no excuse, because Joe Biden was actually speaking at his own rally in the New Hampshire with signs up all over the place!

Where Am I?

Joe Biden was at his own rally in New Hampshire.

Ironically enough, the other politician caught up with him in the Burisma scandal, John Kerry, was standing on stage with Biden when this latest gaffe occurred.

Biden was speaking to the crowd, when he stated, “You have an incredible obligation, not to me at all, but to yourselves.

“Because what you do here in Iowa, what they do in Iowa, what you do here in a primary in New Hampshire, is going to set the tone.”

Watch for yourself as Biden, who is clearly suffering the symptoms of age, sounds confused and lost while addressing his supporters…

How Much Longer…

My only real question here is how much longer is the mainstream media going to ignore this?

Trump once made a speaking mistake and the mainstream media headlined it for three days.

Biden does this almost every day and outlets like CNN and MSNBC refuse to cover it.

If he makes the mistake once, it’s a slip, and we can forgive it.

Do it twice, hmmm, maybe this is a sign of something.

Joe, however, has probably done this at least a dozen times on the campaign trail and we still have two full months before the first vote in the primary is cast.

Biden is clearly having medical issues and for all we know, may be suffering from the onset of Alzheimer’s (that is pure conjecture on our part and has not been medically proven).

Until we see a report from a real doctor, I am sorry, but there is just no way you can tell me this man is fit to be the president.