Dems Take Victory Lap Over Just-Released Documents But…

Chuck Schumer

So, the big story today is a new set of emails that were released that offer a better timeline into the delay of the Ukraine aid.

When they came out, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pulled one line from one email to take a victory lap, but it is hardly anything for the Democrats to rejoice.

Quite the contrary, actually, as I believe this solidifies the narrative that Trump wanted to be assured Ukraine was working to rid the country from corruption before releasing the aid.

The Documents

The email chain is a back and forth between Mike Duffey, from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and David Norquist, Deputy Secretary of Defense.

According to the emails, about 90 minutes after a July phone call between Zelensky and Trump, the aid was ordered to be halted.

The email from Duffey making the request stated, “Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process.

“Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”

That is what Chuck Schumer is using as his smoking gun.

Specifically, he wants to know what the “sensitive nature” of the request is all about.

Well, Chuck, the U.S. president is delaying aid, so I am going to guess that is the sensitive nature.

Regardless, what Chuck is not sharing with anyone is the content from other emails, which show the REAL reason Trump was delaying the aid.

About a month before that email, another email chain shows concern by Trump over the aid.

On June 19, Duffey’s email read, “The president has asked about this funding release.

“I have been tasked to follow-up with someone over there to get more details.

“Do you have insight on this funding?”

About a week later, another email was sent, saying the President wanted to know “What was the funding used for?….who funded it? What do other NATO members spend to support Ukraine?”

Clearly, Trump was concerned about sending such a massive amount to a country that had been corrupt as well as finding out if the U.S. was getting shafted by its fellow NATO members in terms of the support being offered to Ukraine.

Trump was obviously not impressed by the July phone call, the aid was halted, then later released when Trump felt more comfortable with Zelensky.

It is all right there for everyone to read, yet Democrats are already working the spin machine.

The watchdog organization that requested the documents, Center for Public Integrity, even admitted there is nothing here.

Susan Smith Richardson, the CEO of CPI, stated, “This new round of documents isn’t enough.”

The only thing those emails shored up is the timeline of events and nothing more.