Young Mother Murdered by BLM for saying ‘All Lives Matter’


A 24-year-old mother, Jessica Doty Whitaker, was shot and killed on July 5th for saying “all lives matter,” according to the woman’s family. 

Hanging With Friends Turned Into a Nightmare

Whitaker and three of her friends were chatting along the Indianapolis Canal Walk in Indiana, WXIN-TV reported. 

It is reported that a group of supposed Black Lives Matter agitators stumbled upon the group and one of the people with Whitaker allegedly used a racial slur. 

The group yelled, “Black Lives Matter,” and someone in Whitaker’s group – potentially her – echoed the words, “all lives matter,” according to Whitaker’s husband, Jose Ramirez. 

Her father, Robert Doty, told The Daily Wire that it was, in fact, his daughter who said, “all lives matter.” 

That’s when the BLM posse pulled guns and Whitaker and her friends backed off and left. 

“It was squashed, and they went up the hill and left, we thought, but they were sitting on St. Clair waiting for us to come under the bridge, and that’s when she got shot,” Ramirez told WXIN.

Mother Was Shot For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Ramirez then shot back but failed to make contact with anyone. 

“I was actually holding her when it happened,” Ramirez said. “She just fell. I turned around, and I opened fire too. But that’s just a reaction.”

It appeared that Whitaker had a full and successful life ahead of her. She worked as a home health nurse and was planning on going back to school and getting married. Her 3-year-old son is now left without a mother. 

“It’s hard to tell him his mom is in heaven and if you want to talk to her, you have to look up and say, ‘I love you, mom,'” Ramirez said.

She also leaves behind her fiancé, mother, and many other family members. 

“I’m never going to get to hold her again,” her mom, Arlena Doty, said. “I just want the people who are responsible to be held accountable.”

This was the third shooting to engulf this particular area in just a span of a week. Police presence is now increased and patrols are done during the overnight hours in this location. 

Whitaker died in a nearby hospital due to the injuries she sustained from the shooting. 

Victim’s Family Wants Justice

A GoFundMe page in her name has raised over $60,000 so far. The money will be put into a savings account for her son. 

“Jessica was a wonderful mother, sister, daughter, fiancée, friend, aunt, cousin and coworker,” those close to Whitaker wrote.

“Loved by many and will surely be missed by many… She made sure everyone around her was happy before she was. She does not deserve this.” 

BLM Does Not Want Equality – They Want Supremacy

As Black Lives Matter propaganda continues to wreak havoc on the country, innocent Americans pay the ultimate price. Saying “all lives matter” is now being twisted by the left’s narrative as a form of hate speech. 

Those who are trying to bridge the racial divide by pointing out that all lives have an inherent value are now at risk of being physically assaulted or even killed, as unfortunately seen in Whitaker’s case. 

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