Young Child Attacked By Liberals…Then President Trump Steps in


A 15-year-old student gained notoriety when a video of him being brutally attacked and bullied by two liberals while at school.

Liberals Attack Trump Supporter

Braxton McElhaney faced severe bullying from two girls due to wearing an American flag shirt and a Trump hat.

One of the liberal students ripped an American flag off the young teen’s face and ran into the girl’s bathroom to throw it in the trash. When the girl reemerged she started assaulting him once again and tried to steal his red Make America Great Again hat.

When McElhaney refused to let go of his hat, the crazed liberal started to hit him repeatedly and spit on him.

“He has not attended public school since 1st grade, he has attended charter schools and was doing online. This year he was taking two electives at public school and this happened just two weeks in. He is solely doing online now. He is 15 in 10th grade,” his mother Meshyalah McElhaney told the Gateway Pundit at the time. “I am so incredibly proud of him for holding his ground and not giving into her and retaliating.”

President Trump Sends Suprise

Once the identity of the Trump-supporting teenager became known, pleas for President Trump to send him an autographed MAGA hat poured through social media.

And President Trump delivered by sending the young man once tormented by liberals an autographed Trump hat.

“All thanks to President Donald Trump for the support all the way from the White House,” Braxton told TGP of his new and improved hat.

His mom added, “We are overwhelmed by the support & love we have received from around the world. We never would have thought it would have made it all the way to the President. Thank you all who made this happen.”

Will Justice be Served?

So will the two hateful girls face consequences?

Well, according to McElhaney, the girl wearing the red shirt will be charged with a felony and the other will be facing charges for either a misdemeanor or felony. Both were also in tenth grade like the bullied teen was.

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