While You Weren’t Looking, Congress Secretly Voted on THIS


Hey, just in case you weren’t paying attention, members of Congress decided to quietly vote themselves a $34,000 “pay raise” through an internal rule change. And now, taxpayers have been left to foot the bill to fund luxury housing accommodations for over 200 members of Congress, many who boast net worths over $1 million.

Democrats and Republicans alike have taken advantage of this added money coming through housing and meal subsidies.

Democrats quietly tucked a provision into internal House rules that granted lawmakers access to an optional $34,000 annual subsidy for their Washington D.C., housing and meal expenses ā€“ just as they were about to lose their majority in the House to the GOP.

A combined total from 113 Democrats and 104 Republicans resulted in taxpayers footing the bill for 1.4 million dollars just in the first half of 2023 alone – including millionaire representatives like Rep Katie Porter (with a reported net worth up to 1.8 million) and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (with her reported net worth up to 13 million).

The reason for changing this internal rule came from complaints from Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) who said her 174 thousand dollar salary wasn’t enough maintain both her district home and one in Washington D.C.

At least 17 other millionaire Democrats also took advantage of these funds adding more fuel to what some are calling ā€œthe pay raise scandalā€ which includes Rep Ilhan Omar receiving 14 thousand dollars, Rashida Tlaib receiving 6 thousand eight hundred, Jamaal Bowman receiving 6 thousand two hundred while being ordered pay a 1000 dollar fine, Matt Gaetz received almost 17 thousand dollars, etc.

All while having luxury living conditions such as pools with indoor golf simulators that are funded by taxpayers like you.

While Representatives enjoy their new luxurious lifestyle at your expense thanks to Bidenflation pushing up groceries prices by 20% since he became president – Harvard studies show 21 point six million American households are spending more than 30 percent on rent before taxes.