WaPo Prints How-To Article for Journalists to Take Down Trump

Washington Post

We just reported on a story where two different media outlets cherry-picked a quote to make Trump look bad.

Now, we are finding that a third outlet, the Washington Post, is giving a how-to lesson for other journalists to report the impeachment in a way to “reach the undecided.”

Unfortunately, they are trying to reach them to influence their decision to be in favor of the impeachment, not provide them with the right information to make their own decision.

Deciding the Narrative

The article in the Washington Post was written by the noted anti-Trumper Margaret Sullivan.

She is a journalist with an ax to grind.

Sullivan does not write stories to tell the public the facts, she sees the news, then decides how she can flip the narrative to attack Donald Trump.

In this case, she was addressing the way other outlets are writing about the impeachment, serving as nothing more than an echo-chamber.

Sullivan was actually faulting reporters for merely stating the facts rather than trying to influence their thoughts.

To get journalists pointed in the right direction, Sullivan cited the advice of Bill Grueskin, a journalism professor at Columbia University.

Grueskin told Sullivan, “Studios spend a $1 million or more on a trailer, because they know it’s essential to boil down the essentials of the film — explaining but not giving away the plot, providing a quick but intense insight into the characters, setting the scene with vivid imagery — to entice people to come back to the theatre a month later for the full movie.”

Sullivan, in her piece, actually faulted reporters for trying to be “partisan” because they “aren’t taking sides.”

Pushing Back

Sullivan’s article was immediately met with harsh criticism.

Among those offended by the piece was Rep. Lee Zeldin…

We are officially at a place in this country where the media is not even trying to hide the fact they want Donald Trump impeached.

They are not only NOT hiding it, journalists are literally writing instructional pieces on how to manipulate readers to have the opinion the media wants them to have.

This is not a free press… this is nothing more than another weapon in the Democrat arsenal being activated against Donald J. Trump.