Ukraine President Slams Dems for ‘Corrupt’ Narrative


During the impeachment, Democrats continue to push the narrative that Ukraine is still corrupt, with President Zelensky’s willingness to go along with the alleged quid pro quo as proof.

Well, President Zelensky has finally had enough, and now he is lashing out at Democrats for continuing to push this narrative.

Hurting Our Relationship

Democrats have stated that holding back the aid to Ukraine served to put a huge wedge between Ukraine and the United States.

That, however, is not what is upsetting Zelensky right now.

Yes, he was upset about the aid being delayed, but he is more upset about the constant insinuation by Democrats that Zelensky is just a continuation of the corruption we have historically seen in Ukraine.

Zelensky stated, “When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals.

“Everyone hears that signal. Investments, banks, stakeholders, companies, American, European, companies that have international capital in Ukraine, it’s a signal to them that says, ‘Be careful, don’t invest.’ Or, ‘Get out of there.’” 

He added, “It’s not that those things don’t exist. They do. All branches of government were corrupted over many years, and we are working to clean that up.

“But that signal from them is very important.”

President Zelenksy also once again stated that there was no quid pro quo between him and Trump.

He stated, “Look, I never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo.

“That’s not my thing. … I don’t want us to look like beggars.”

Devastating for Democrats

This news is devastating for Democrats because it hurts them on two different fronts.

First, it should end any doubt about whether or not there was quid pro quo discussed between the two presidents or if Zelensky ever felt pressured by Trump.

Second, and in direct contrast to what Democrats are pushing, what is hurting the relationship between Ukraine the United States right now is the harboring on the corruption narrative, NOT the aid being held up.

Yes, Zelensky was upset about that and he stated as much, but the corruption narrative Democrats are pushing is preventing his country from being able to establish new relationships that could help Ukraine financially and finally help push this country forward.

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