Two New Democrats May Enter Presidential Race


Today is the deadline to register for the Alabama primary and by day’s end, there may be two more names on the primary ballot.

Reports are starting to fly that former New York Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg and Eric Holder, Obama’s former Attorney General, are both considering running for president.

Unhappy with Candidates

Above all else, Democrats are trying to find a candidate that can beat Trump in 2020.

Right now, both Holder and Bloomberg believe the current list is lacking.

Bloomberg is taking this particularly hard, as he has invested significant money into both the House and Senate elections already so Democrats can take power.

Howard Wolfson, Bloomberg’s political adviser, stated, “In 2018 [Bloomberg] spent more than $100 million to help elect Democrats to ensure that Congress began to hold the President accountable.

“And this year he helped Democrats win control of both houses of the Virginia legislature.”

The entire Democrat field right now has a steering wheel that only turns one way, to the far left, and Bloomberg believes the entire party has gone too far left to be able to win a presidential election.

This is something that most pundits have stated as well, as most battleground states will not be willing to elect a president that wants to turn this county into a socialist haven.

Enter Michael Bloomberg.

His methods are eerily similar to those of George Soros, who tries to buy every election he can to wield his power and influence.

Sorry Guys

Unfortunately for both Holder and Bloomberg, the future does not look promising.

Holder is a complete joke, with a past that will haunt him in an election, so he is not even worth the words on this page.

Bloomberg, however, even though he would try to sell himself as a moderate, is also unelectable.

First, it would be tough for Democrats to sell a billionaire businessman as their candidate, considering they have invested so much in tearing down another billionaire businessman who already won the office.

Secondly, and more importantly, Bloomberg simply does not have the support.

Recent poll data shows a full third of the country would never pull the handle for him and less than 10 percent put him at the top of their list.

If he enters the race now, he will probably be among the bottom dwellers in the party, which is exactly where he will stay.

However, if he decides to go as a third-party candidate, he could all but seal the deal for Trump.

As a liberal, he would more than likely grab just enough of the vote to kill any chance a Democrat has of winning the presidency.

So, please Mr. Bloomberg, throw your hat into the ring.

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