Trump Snubbed by World Series Champs Star Player

Washington Nationals

One of the time-honored traditions in sports is a visit to the White House as a team when you win your respective championship.

Under Trump, that has all changed as all these social justice warrior athletes like to snub Trump to win political favor with the liberal horde.

Entire basketball teams have boycotted the tradition and entire football teams have been banned (Philadelphia Eagles) for making the appearance into a political statement.

Now, Sean Doolittle, one of the stars of the Washington National’s pitching staff, has joined the ranks of those that have boycotted the event.

Doolittle stated that he is not going because of Trump’s “divisive rhetoric.”

First Win in Franchise History

This should be a special moment for the entire team.

This is the first time in franchise history that the Nationals have won a World Series, yet the entire team will not be at the White House in the city they represent.

Doolittle made it very clear he is a bleeding-heart liberal, as are many of his fellow teammates, but they are not letting their politics get in the way.

Doolittle stated, “There’s a lot of things, policies that I disagree with, but at the end of the day, it has more to do with the divisive rhetoric and enabling of conspiracy theories and widening the divide in this country.

“My wife and I stand for inclusion and acceptance, and we’ve done work with refugees, people that come from, you know, the ‘sh**hole country.’”

I would love to ask Doolittle if he has ever spoken up against the policies of Bill Clinton when he was president.

Did he ever speak up about Obama’s hardline stance on immigration before he turned to the far left?

What does he think about Hillary spinning conspiracy theories about Tulsi Gabbard?

We will probably never hear him say anything about that because, like most liberals, he is only willing to call out one side of the aisle and completely ignores the atrocities against We the People from his precious Democrat party.

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