President Donald Trump always seems to have a way of describing things happening to him in a way that just completely sets off Democrats.
Earlier today, Trump compared the current impeachment against him as a “lynching,” which just brought out the attack hounds from the Democrat party…
Immediate Outrage
Liberals and Democrats could not respond quick enough on social media to rip Trump for his choice of wording.
At the head of the pack was Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il), who not only blasted the President, but he also chose to saturate Twitter with posts about lynching…
Rush was not alone, as liberals came out of the woodwork to blast Trump regarding his post.
It May Not Be a Lynching But…
It is quite amazing how sensitive people have become over the last two years.
Trump used the word lynching as has been done for decades to describe mob rule against someone, but it has not been deemed offensive until now.
I guess that racist narrative Democrats have been spilling about Trump is what created such outrage over the use of this term.
The slew of liberals and Rep. Rush can be upset about the language, but I wish they would be just as upset over the coup that is taking place in D.C. right now.
No, this is not a lynching, but the President’s point is on target in that an unruly mob, in this case, Democrat members of Congress, are railroading him on bogus charges without real justice.
They conduct committee hearings having already decided the verdict and stacking up witnesses that will tell them exactly what they want to hear.
If you need proof the system is rigged, just look at the lies Rep. Schiff (D-CA) told and got away with regarding the whistleblower.
So, I guess to avert any outrage, Trump will have to be quite literal in every word he uses so as not to upset the snowflakes on the left side of the aisle.
It is just a shame the level of scrutiny Trump endures is not inflicted on the Democrat candidates running for president.