Trump Reveals Final Moments of ISIS Leader’s Life as a ‘Coward’

Donald Trump

President Trump addressed the nation just moments ago to describe the attack that took out al-Baghdadi.

According to Trump, al-Baghdadi “died like a dog, he died like a coward.”

Taking Down al-Baghdadi

There have been mixed reports as to exactly how al-Baghdadi died.

We reported earlier today via an NBC News report that it was believed al-Baghdadi during a firefight with Delta operators.

However, President Trump announced al-Baghdadi clicked off a suicide vest after being chased into a cave during the attack by special forces dogs.

The President said no U.S. forces were injured in the attack and 11 children were removed from the area.

He also announced numerous al-Baghdadi’s fighters were taken out in the attack. There are reports of roughly a dozen of al-Baghdadi’s men being killed.

A Coward’s Death

For all the hatred and death that has come at the hands of al-Baghdadi, his last moments will truly be remembered as a cowardly act.

The President stated that al-Baghdadi ran from our attack dogs and retreated to a cave, screaming the entire time.

He also took three of his children into the cave with him, no doubt to try to use a shield.

As the operators moved in on al-Baghdadi, Trump stated that he set off his suicide vest, killing himself and his children as well.

While Trump stated no U.S forces were killed, it was unclear if the special forces dogs were killed when al-Baghdadi set off his vest.

President Trump stated that on-the-ground forces were able to conduct immediate testing to confirm that the mutilated body in the cave was, in fact, that of al-Baghdadi.

He also stated the operators were able to recover significant intelligence that will help to further cripple ISIS more than it already is.

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