One of the main platform issues for most Democrats in the race is to encourage what essentially would be open borders in this country.
Joe Biden, the man most consider to be the most moderate Democrat in the race, is even on the record that he thinks we could absorb an additional two million immigrants immediately after he takes office.
President Trump, however, disagrees, and he is absolutely right.
Pandering for Votes
How and why illegal immigrants became such an important issue for liberals is beyond my understanding.
Tell me you want to help the homeless, I am on board.
Tell me you want to do more to help our veterans, I am all in.
Tell me you want to help people that broke the law to come into this country, that hurt our economy, and you lose me.
Is this so important to Democrats and liberals simply because Donald Trump is so against it?
It has to be, because I cannot think of ANY reason how this benefits America.
The Trickledown Effect
Donald Trump recently stated, “Since the election, real wages have gone up 3.2 percent for the median American worker.
“But for the bottom income group, real wages are soaring.
“A number that has never happened before. Nine percent.”
Then he dropped the bomb, stating, “Yet the Democrats in Washington want to erase these gains through an extreme policy of open borders, flooding the labor market and driving down incomes for the poorest Americans.
“And driving crime through the roof.”
This is not some random statement, either.
George Borjas, a Harvard economist, stated, “Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent.
“But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip.”
Donald Trump has lowered taxes for the middle class. He has created an environment that has enabled businesses to create more jobs and hire more workers.
Trump has created better trade deals. He has allowed our military to rebuild. He is cracking down on illegal immigration to protect Americans and he is turning around a VA that was rudderless.
Let me ask you this question… What have Democrats done for the middle-class citizens of this country over the last two years, hell, make it the last decade?
Now ask what they have done for illegals…
Do you see where their priorities lie now?