Tragic Preventable Holiday Fireworks Accident


When I was younger, I used to love setting off fireworks in the street on the Fourth of July.

As I grew up and hand kids of my own, I would do a little fireworks show for them and would try to get as elaborate as I possibly could.

Now, I don’t do this anymore for one big reason. I was lighting off the fireworks one year and I misjudged the length of a fuse and ended up getting a pretty horrible burn on my right hand.

I got lucky, I could have lost my whole hand if I hadn’t pulled it away from the fireworks when I did. And this was me being responsible.

That’s the one big problem with fireworks and the Fourth of July in general is that you have a lot of people who are doing things that they don’t know how to do.

You get a lot of people that are doing things that are quite frankly, idiotic to even attempt.

If I were to do fireworks now I would probably wear a good thick pair of gloves in case anything happened and went wrong.

I mean, just look at how many of the stories that you have heard of people doing stupid things with fireworks.

Well unfortunately sometimes those little stunts that people think are so darned funny end in tragedy.

This past Fourth of July, a man in South Carolina passed away from injuries sustained from one of these Darwin Award level fireworks stunts.

According to the New York Post, Allen McGrew, a forty one year old man, died from injuries following a fireworks accident.

Apparently what happened was that he placed some fireworks on top of his head and the fireworks exploded…you know, as fireworks tend to do.

He unfortunately died instantly, right there on the spot, as a result of the concussive injuries that immediately followed a big pack of gunpowder going off on top of his head.

As much as I feel for the friends and family of this man, I have to say that if there was ever a preventable death in this world, this would have to be it.