Top Dem Spills the Beans About Nadler

Jerry Nadler

Late Thursday night, members of the House Judiciary had finally ā€œagreedā€ on the articles of impeachment.

Normally, the vote to move forward would have been taken at that moment.

Instead, Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) delayed the vote until the following day, and now we know why.

Political Theater

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) was on to Nadlerā€™s game right out of the gate.

At around 11:15 p.m. Thursday night, rather than move forward with the vote, Nadler called an end to the session.

Nadler stated that he wanted everyone to sleep on their vote overnight so they would make the right decision when the time came.

There was immediate outrage from the Republicans, with Collins claiming Nadler was doing this for no other reason than to ensure he got better TV coverage of the vote.

As it turns out, he was dead on.

While making an appearance on CNN on Friday, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) admitted the voted had been delayed so the American people could watch itā€¦

Deutch tried to cover up his statement by saying the American people had every right to see the vote, but most that wanted to see it were already tuned in on Thursday night.

The vote, as we all know, was nothing but a formality.

No Democrat was going to change their vote and surely no Republican was going to change his or her mind.

The vote came down the same exact way on Friday morning as it would have late Thursday night, the only difference was that Nadler got some premium daytime TV exposure.

This is not politics; it is political theater.

Congress has become the WWE of government.

The moves are all rehearsed, and the outcome has been predetermined.

However, instead of paying fans being the only ones not in on the ruse, it is We the People that are being brought along for the ride.