Tlaib Spouts Off Towards Police Chief, Calls Facial Recognition Program “BullSh**”


Squad Member Tlaib Tells Detroit Police Chief Only Black People Can Analyze Face Recognition

On Monday Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was given a tour of ‘The Real Time Crime Center’ in Detroit, MI. The Chief of Police Jame Craig personally escorted Tlaib and her team through the center.

The department was one of the first to use face recognition in the reprehension of fugitives. Tlaib while on the tour told the Chief, ‘he should hire black people to work on the face recognition software’.

Her reason being that ‘other races, think all black people look alike’. The tour took several bad turns as Tlaib made inappropriate comments to Chief Craig. Tlaib said, “analysts need to be African-American, not people that are not”. “It’s true I think all non African-Americans think African -Americans, look the same”.

She wasn’t finished yet with her scathing inappropriate remarks. She said, “I’ve witnessed people confuse Rep John Lewis (D-GA) and Rep Elijah Cummings, because they are both black and bald”.

Chief Craig Who Is African American Was Not Amused By Tlaib’s Statements & Was Quickly Losing Patience

Chief James Craig, who is African American, quickly lost his patience with Tlaib’s ignorant remarks, and wasn’t having any of it. Craig said, “I trust people who are trained, regardless of race, regardless of gender”.

Rashida also said during her appearance that ‘the error rate among African-Americans especially women is 60%’. Chief Craig told Tliab, “I understand technology real well”. He patiently showed Tlaib the data from the software and said ‘he was very pleased with the department’s progress’.

He did admit that the software was not 100% reliable. Tlaib told the Chief, “see if you can get some of your money back until it’s all fixed’. Chief Craig was fast to point out that, the face recognition software is not the only tool the department uses to prosecute offenders.

The tour started out bad, and just continued to go South. The entire was recorded and posted online by the ‘Detroit Free Press’. Rashida asked a crew member, “Am I being face recognized right now? I’m sorry who are you and why are you video taping me?”

A Reporter Called Tlaib On Her Ignorant Racial Remarks After The Tour Concluded

Tlaib wasn’t off the hook for her remarks while on the tour with Chief Craig. A reporter from The Detroit Free Press had a series of questions for the freshman House member.

The reporter asked her, “Are you saying white people are not qualified to…?” The reporter could not even finish asking the question before Rashida rudely cut him off. Tlaib said, “No I think there has actually been studies out that prove it’s hard for, you know like African- Americans would identify African-Americans, similar with Latinos”.

The reporter than asked Rashida ‘if African-Americans shouldn’t be allowed to identify white people’. Tlaib abruptly answered, “Look it up” and then simply walked away. The invitation to tour the Real True Crime Center; was extended after Tlaib called the technology ‘bullsh**.’

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