This One Device Poses A GREAT Danger…


I swear, our world is filled with electronic devices of all kinds that we are led to believe that we need to have.

Don’t get me wrong, I love little gadgets and things like that but at the end of the day are we not reaching our maximum capacity when it comes to certain things?

The cell phone is all well and good, as well as some of the smart watches. I do love the idea that it for whatever reason I screw up and leave my phone at home that I have my watch to make a phone call if I need.

There is one device that I simply cannot stand though and it is the Amazon Alexa.

I was given one of these things a couple of years ago by a misguided member of the family who thought that I would appreciate this thing.

At first, it seemed like it might be a good idea. I mean, I can just tell the thing to play songs from my favorite band and it will play them.

Doesn’t seem like a bad deal does it? Not at first, but then you have to realize that if it is listening to you when you say that you want to play your favorite songs; what the heck else is it listening to?

Which is why experts have recently made a point to say that these Alexa devices are something that you should never bring into your bedroom.

I mean, think about this for a second. Say you’re someone that talks in their sleep. An Alexa device can’t tell if you are awake or not.

All they hear is that you are talking. You could end up ordering a whole bunch of crap off of Amazon in your sleep and never know that you did it until you looked at your bank statement the next day, wondering where all those boxes come from.

It’s why I don’t have one of these in my bedroom, and I actually have an old style flip phone that I keep in my bedroom.

I turn my smartphone off after a certain hour, and if someone needs to get in touch with me they know to call that flip phone’s number.

We need to be very careful about what we allow in our homes people.