They Took Their 3-year-old to a State Park…Moments Later Officials Could Not Identify Gender or Identity of The Child


When you go to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming it is supposed to be a fun family outing where you not only get to spend some quality time with each other but also get to be out in nature.

However, for one family, this outing quickly turned into a nightmare on earth when their 3-year-old child wandered off and fell into a heated thermal feature in the Midway Geyser Basin portion of the park. 

After the child slipped and fell into the insanely-hot thermal feature, the youngster was flown to a burn unit at a hospital in Idaho Falls, Idaho with second-degree burns all over their back and lower body. 

Of course, it’s important to understand the nature of a second-degree burn, and after that, you will definitely understand why the park rangers want you to be VERY CAREFUL around these thermal heating vent.

While this type of burn isn’t necessarily as bad as a third-degree burn, it can be extremely painful and sensitive to the touch. Second-degree burns can be treated at home, in a clinic, or in a hospital. In this 3-year-old child’s case, the injuries were serious enough that the injury will require treatment in the hospital. 

Park officials say they are investigating this incident. Further details regarding this child-such as whether they were a boy or girl, whether they were in good or critical condition, and their basic identity-were not immediately available.

Unfortunately, this child is now the second person to be burned at a Yellowstone thermal feature unit this year, and this definitely causes park rangers to always be vigilant regarding the possibility of these misfortunes.

There was a woman backing up and taking photos who accidentally fell into a hot spring near Old Faithful Geyser last May. Let’s all hope that both of them make a full recovery.

What did you think about this story and the need to be careful at these national parks? Share your comments below!

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