America’s ranges are under attack. Not the ones mismanaged by the BLM, meaning Bureau of Land Management, but the one in your kitchen. Or the one in your favorite restaurant. Liberals can strap inflatable tanks on cows all they want but don’t even think about taking gas stoves away from America’s cooks. Democrats are beginning to learn how serious the issue is because it’s fast becoming a line of fire in the sand.
Gas stove attack
Professional chefs consider it a personal attack with every serious home cook standing behind with their favorite cutlery in hand. Liberal Democrats don’t seem to understand exactly why nobody wants to switch from gas to electric cooking.
Everything liberals eat comes from a pre-portioned, government approved box and gets heated in the microwave. To them the stove in their kitchen is just something to set decorative trivets on. Most liberals don’t bother ever turning it on to find out what sort they have.
Joe Biden and the Imperial Palace are dead set on eliminating the suburbs and the middle class along with them. Gas fueled stoves have become a “burning issue.” Liberal run cities have started experimenting with code changes to “phase out” natural gas hookup to homes and businesses. They never dreamed the backlash would be anywhere as severe as it is.
Anyone who understands the chemistry of food is on the attack. They know real taste requires flames. Since you can’t build a campfire in the middle of the living room, and dragging the BBQ in on a cold rainy day would kill the whole family, the gas range is the best alternative available.
Sure, an electric stove may “reduce carbon emissions” but that’s a bunch of hooey to start with. There isn’t any science at all behind it except the science they made up around their fudged data points. As fast as the ordinances go up, the restaurants go out.
Moving to somewhere more civilized where they can properly prepare food, not just heat a few vegetables for those who haven’t gone spastic over sushi. Get that stove away from my raw fish, the trendy liberals scream. Those guys are likely to attack you with a cleaver, Benihana style.
Wait! Here’s an exemption
As soon as cities like San Francisco and Seattle noticed all their favorite restaurants had gone dark, then figured out it wasn’t because of the COVID-19 lockdowns, they started checking into it.
When they found out how big a chunk of their tax base was represented by restaurants and home chefs who vastly prefer gas-burning ranges they started to rethink their strategy. Officials can still have their code restrictions to please the progressives. To stop the blowback attack they came up with a scheme to quietly, on the sly, shake gas stove lovers down for exemption permits.
Several Democrat controlled cities have caved in “by exempting stoves from natural-gas bans, or providing pathways for restaurants to secure waivers in an attempt to minimize blowback.” The attack against the scheme was relentless.
As one outlet notes, the “pushback on stoves demonstrates one of the challenges of reducing the emissions linked to climate change: Consumers may have to make personal sacrifices by giving up things they use and enjoy in favor of less familiar technologies.”
Local officials from coast-to-coast are learning how fast the attack begins when the anti-gas ordinances hit the books. They might be able to get away with defunding the police, allowing riots in the streets, looting in the shops, and arson in the forest but don’t even think about thinking about taking away the ability of those who know how to cook from doing it over an open flame.
Some irate chef may light the mayor’s desk on fire to cook an omelet and prove a point. Only, that is, if the FBI prods them into it.