The attorney who officially represents the entire Department of Justice, Dana Boente, read the writing on the wall and responded with a resignation letter. As one Deep State rat after another gets caught with their pockets full of Obamagate cheese, any “remaining officials associated with the Russia investigation” aren’t welcome in Washington. Boente will head off to his favorite fishing hole at the end of June.
Acting Attorney General
Boente served as acting attorney general at the beginning of Donald Trump’s first term. In early 2017 Boente’s shoulder got tapped after Sally Yates was tossed out the door when she forgot we only have one president. He didn’t earn any brownie points when he “signed one of the re-authorizations to surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page.” The evidence consisted of totally fabricated lies but the Federal Bureau of Instigation and the Department of Injustice conned the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to renew the wiretap anyway. The Deep State really needed it as part of their plot to overthrow the president.
Another person who signed off on the document along with DOJ attorney Dana Boente is Rod Rosenstein. He’s the rat who offered to wear a wire in an attempt to entrap President Trump. Rosenstein will be strapped into a witness chair in the Senate Judiciary Committee chamber on Wednesday, while they use a blowtorch to interrogate him about nasty illegal actions revealed by a treasure trove of fresh transcripts. Adam Schiff was hiding the Obamagate proof for two years until Richard Grenell pried it out of his filing cabinet with a tire iron.
Our toothless watchdog of an inspector general, Michael Horowitz couldn’t sniff any wrongdoing by Boente or Rosenstein but there is a real investigation brewing which remains behind closed doors. John Durham has been running witnesses past his grand jury and the trickle of drips leaking out indicates he’s on to something big.
The ‘alleged’ Director of the FBI
Christopher Wray, the alleged Director of the FBI, has been strangely silent. It’s as if he is pleading his Fifth Amendment rights not to incriminate himself. Republican lawmakers have been demanding to know why they hear all the important things on the street from dirty reporters instead of from him.
Wray likes to brag about all the reforms he’s made but not a lot has changed. The same rats are still in charge of guarding the same cheese. Whenever they get caught, they get a stern warning to make sure they don’t get caught again.
Wray broke his monk like silence to pat outgoing attorney Boente on the back. “Few people have served so well in so many critical, high-level roles at the Department,” he praised. “Throughout his long and distinguished career as a public servant, Dana has demonstrated a selfless determination to ensure that justice is always served on behalf of our citizens.” As long as the paths of those citizens don’t cross the Deep State.