Dem Rep Pumps the Brakes on Leftist Bill, Citing MAJOR Concerns
On Thursday night, when Nancy Pelosi finally brought her massive pork package bill to the floor for a vote, Democrat…
On Thursday night, when Nancy Pelosi finally brought her massive pork package bill to the floor for a vote, Democrat…
Hawk Newsome, the controversial leader of Greater New York’s chapter of Black Lives Matter™, promised “bloodshed” in a meeting with…
At least a few of today’s progressives aren’t afraid to agree with the other side when they’re right, instead of…
The woke socialist operatives who ambushed Arizona Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema should face jail time for the harassing and intimidating…
West Virginia’s DINO Senator Joe Manchin sold out his scheming majority leader by refusing to toe the party line. He’s…
At least a few of today’s progressives aren’t afraid to agree with the other side when they’re right, instead of…
As usual, progressives have cooked up another sick plan to sidestep the checks and balances placed on government by our…
A high profile Democrat lawmaker from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, is starting to look more and more Republican every day. Her…
The Democrats are smoking crack again. They heard that there was a meat shortage coming, so they plan to give…