Senator McConnell Blatantly Defies Trump with New Legislation


Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is supposed to be supporting Trump, right?

Then please explain to me why he introduced a resolution in the Senate to block Trump from carrying out the Syrian troop withdrawal.

But It’s Working

Listen, I get that some Republicans were unhappy with the initial move.

We all know far too many of our elected representatives have pockets lined with weapon manufacturers lobbying money.

We also know many of these companies write big checks to campaigns and SuperPACs for politicians willing to keep this county in forever wars.

Even so, when something is clearly working, as Trump’s deal with Turkey is so far, you would think they would not be so corrupt to continue to defy Trump’s plan, a plan he was voted into office to carry out by We the People!

Everyone knew when they elected Trump that he was going to push to get us out of these forever wars.

The ceasefire deal that was put in place with Turkey has, so far, ended the military actions against the Kurds in the area, essentially installing peace in a region that has never known peace before.

That being the case, Republicans that were initially opposed to the move should be getting behind Trump, not giving Democrats more fodder to use against Trump.

McConnell Not Alone

The fact McConnell crafted a resolution with more restrictions than the House resolution that passed last week is bad enough, but it is even sadder that more and more Republicans are getting on board with this.

We already know Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is against this, but now Senator Burr (R-N.C.) is just as defiant.

Burr stated, “Congress has a voice, and now is the time … to exercise it.”

Senator Romney (R-UT) has also called Trump out on this as well as saying he is definitely strongly considering a guilty vote if the impeachment ever makes its way to the Senate.

We all have to ask ourselves, “Where does their loyalty lie?”

Is it with our troops and the American people or is it with weapons manufacturers and illegal immigrants?

Before you pull that handle in 2020, think long and hard and make sure you ONLY choose representatives that are willing to #MAGA, not hurt our country or that will continue to obstruct this president from doing the job we put him in office to do!

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