We have finally been given access to the much talked about FBI file that documents Joe Biden’s alleged bribe.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released the document.
I have to say… the FBI has some serious explaining to do.
Why No Investigation
I need to preface this report with the fact the informant noted in this report was a well-trusted source by the FBI.
In fact, the agency had paid the informant six figures since he started working with the FBI.
So, there was literally no reason to doubt the information, yet the FBI never acted on it.
The informant had sat down with Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the natural gas company Burisma Holdings.
The file documented, among other things, a meeting the informant and Burisma executive had while at a café in Vienna.
The report stated, “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay.’”
The informant went on to say that both Joe and Hunter Biden demanded that Hunter be retained, which ended up being the Board position.
Gary Shapley, one of the IRS agents that had been tasked with investigating Hunter’s finances, stated, “Information like this would have been really helpful to have. The team, to the best of my knowledge, never saw that [FD-1023] document.”
The form documented how the Biden family was sent $10 million, which was meant to be $5 million each for Joe and Hunter.
When asked about tracing the money, it was revealed that the money was never sent directly to a Biden bank account.
Instead, they used a network of accounts to funnel the money back to Biden, obviously to conceal where the money came from if an investigation were ever to be launched.
There was more than enough information in that report to warrant an investigation, yet both Hunter and Joe never had anything to fear because the powers that be in the FBI only wanted to protect Joe and take out Donald Trump.