Sean Hannity Blasts Bill Maher For Celebrating The Death Of David Koch

Bill Maher

David Koch Dies 79, Bill Maher Said, ‘I’m Glad He’s Dead I hope The End Was Painful’

Koch Industries founder and partner David Koch died at 79, a cause of death was not announced. However his brother Charles Koch said that his brother struggled with prostate cancer.

Bill Maher wasted no time expressing his jubilation at the death of Koch. He said “I’m glad he’s dead, and I hope the end was very painful”. Fox News Host Sean Hannity didn’t take kindly to Maher’s remarks.

Hannity was on a role during his show, his disdain for Maher was evident. He said “you’re a mean spirited” . Hannity went on to say ‘that he had a lot more to say about Maher but he works at a network that has standards’. He said, “I’ve had to spend all day tomorrow and yesterday dealing with that crap”. Hannity said Koch donated more than 1.3 billion to charity. Hannity said, when Maher does that and only then ‘can he talk’.

Koch & His Brother Charles Used Their Fortune To Endorse & Foster Many Republican Politicians

The Koch brothers have for several years been a bone of contentions for liberal Democrats. Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher’. Bill has used the Koch Brothers as a punching bag for several years.

Koch died on August 23rd, later that day Maher aired a live show and opened with “**** him, I’m glad he’s dead”. Maher joked, “He was 79, but his family wished it could be longer. Hey at least he lived long enough to see the Amazon catch fire”.

He wasn’t done yet, “Condolences poured in from the politicians he owned”. “The mourners are told in lieu of flowers leave your engines running”. His distasteful jokes continued with,”As for the remains he will be cremated and have his aches blown into the lungs of a child”.

Conservative Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. Also Pounces On Bill Maher For Insensitive Koch Remarks

Antonio Sabato Jr. a former GOP Congressional candidate and loyal Trump supporter had a lot to say about Maher. Sabato, appeared on Fox Business Network, he says he has been black balled in Hollywood after publicly supporting the President.

He said, Not too long ago I told the President, “I want to work for you, for the administration”. I didn’t go to Hollywood and talk to these cry babies. The liberals in Hollywood and all over this country are destroying this nation or at least they are trying to.

The way we do our things, conservatives with love and kindness, and also we’re going to win next year. Because we need, to win this election, these people say anything they want on TV. They wish people to die, or worse, I don’t know what else they can say and that’s allowed. Furthermore, “This is the country that I love, and the power that Hollywood has now a days is wrong”. “What they have done to me, or people that have a different belief is wrong.”

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