Rudy Giuliani Reveals His ‘Insurance’

Rudy Giuliani

Earlier this week, the leftist media went bonkers when Rudy Giuliani revealed he had “insurance” to use in case he got thrown under the bus.

Everyone ran with it like gangbusters that Giuliani had damning information, but their assumptions, according to Giuliani, were completely wrong and fabricated.

Not Going Under the Bus

By all accounts, Giuliani had been Trump’s frontman during the Ukraine investigation.

That is not exactly an honest portrayal of what Giuliani was doing, however.

The interview where the “insurance” quote came from was several minutes long, but most outlets cherry-picked that one line to go after Giuliani and Trump.

I listened to the entire interview and honestly, I did not see much wrong with it, taking the comment into full context.

To me, it was pretty clear he was being sarcastic.

That, obviously, is not how the media portrayed it.

What made matters worse is that most outlets trimmed down the interview to ONLY show that one portion of the interview, making it appear far worse than it actually was.

Clearing Matters Up

After the media ran wild with, Giuliani cleared up what he said on his own Saturday afternoon.

What he actually meant was that he had proof of Biden’s wrongdoings and if anything ever happened, that information was going to come out.

Now, if you saw the original interview, you would also know that Giuliani has been researching Biden’s corruption for quite some time.

When Trump became president, Giuliani continued to investigate the matter, which is why Trump deferred people to Giuliani when Hunter Biden and Burisma came up.

All I know is that sooner or later, the truth is going to come out about Biden and I have no doubt it will end his political career.

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