Squad Member Rashida Tlaib Capitalizing On Her Initial Call To Have The President Impeached
Michigan Congresswoman Tlaib,43, initially said of President Trump, “Impeach The Mother F$#*er”. She caught a lot of heat for her profane rant, Tlaib and the rest of the dubious squad members continue to wish the worst for our POTUS and for the country.
Now comes word, that Tlaib is using the fundraising site ‘ActBlue’ to raise money for her re-election campaign. She is now selling T shirts, with the slogan,’We’re Going To Impeach The Mother F#$*er’ on them. On Thursday Tlaib led a hate filled rally on the steps of the capital.
Tlaib and her assembled band of far left extremists changed the profane slogan in unison. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi announced earlier this week that a formal impeachment inquiry is under way.
Tlaib’s seat in the 13th congressional district of Michigan is expected to be unchallenged. There has been no one that has thrown their hat in the ring to challenge her. Much to the dismay of the GOP, it doesn’t look like Rashida is going away any time soon.
Tlaib Said On Thursday ‘Trump Can Not Exist As A Lawless President’
The ‘Detroit News’ was the first to report that Tlaib was looking to profit from the latest Dem fueled controversy being waged against the President. Tlaib’s campaign sent out mass emails saying, ‘You asked for them, you got them’.
The T shirts are selling for $29.00 each, and according to a source, ‘they are selling like hotcakes’. Tlaib is on Twitter heavily promoting her latest money making endeavor. She wrote, “Lean in with me to hold this lawless president accountable. Together we will fight back and protect our democracy. Our country on it! And yes you can wear what you feel!”.
When Rashida made her profane remarks in January, she was condemned by Democrats and Republicans. The President called her remarks, ‘disgraceful and disrespectful’. Rep Bill Huizenga a Republican from Michigan weighed on Tlaib and her money making schemes. He said that he finds the entire thing, ‘inappropriate’ and said he would be letting his supporters know about the scheme.
Rep Huizenga Says That Rashida ‘Has Some Real Nerve Trying To Capitalize On Something Like This’
The Representative from Michigan was finished voicing his concern about Rashida’s behavior. Huizenga said, ‘can you imagine how angry people would be if I created a shirt like that about Obama?’.
The Rep said his own mother would have called him and said ‘shame on you’ if he ever did that. He went on, and said his mother would have said, “what are you doing’. Huizenga asked out loud, ‘you have to really wonder about a person’s morals and sense of decency’.
There have been a few Republicans that have voiced some concerns about President Trump’s July phone call. Some GOP members are saying that there is still not enough information about the details to start a panic. Most GOP members have taken a ‘wait and see attitude’.