Rand Paul Drops Bombshell Announcement About Fauci


Rand Paul went thermonuclear on Anthony Fauci Wednesday. He’s beyond furious about the emails which prove the United States funded research, on bats, at the Wuhan lab. A whole treasure trove of emails spells out how cozy the relationship was. Dr. Deep State is in bed under the covers with communist China and now the whole world knows it.

Rand Paul unleashed

Libertarian Kentucky Senator Rand Paul “unleashed” on Dr. Anthony Fauci Wednesday night, DailyBeast relates. The emails which hit the streets last week reveal that “Fauci is morally culpable for the COVID-19 pandemic.”

So far, the Asian Andromeda Strain has killed about 600,000 Americans. This isn’t the first time he tangled with the good doctor. They went around in circles over the scientific need to wear masks.

Fauci should be fired. Stripped of his salary, which is more than the president, and dragged from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases covered in tar and feathers. Canary feathers would be especially fitting.

Senator Paul couldn’t help gloating on twitter that he had been “vindicated.” He’s all excited to hear how the MSM tries to cover it up. “Told you,” he tweeted. “Can’t wait to see the media try to spin the Fauci FOIA emails.”

Senator Paul had a chance to explain himself in a lot more detail than he could put in 140 characters. He visited with Laura Ingraham to explain that “the unearthed emails proved that Fauci may have been responsible for the development of COVID-19.”

The Senator doesn’t believe Dr. Deep State’s denial that he funded “gain of function” research. He can say anything he wants but dollars went in and a virus with brand new designer genes came out. American voters can connect the dots for themselves.

Fauci flips on lab leak

As soon as the emails emerged from the swampy murk, Fauci flipped like a pancake. Nobody was allowed to even whisper that COVID-19 might have leaked from the lab. Saying things on social media would get you censored, or worse. Suddenly, “Fauci now supports investigating whether the virus originated from an accidental lab leak.”

Some say an on purpose one. Rand Paul notes the emails “paint a disturbing picture” because they apparently show that Fauci was worried from the “very beginning” that the virus was developed due to the NIH’s funding. He had a sinking feeling he had left his fingerprints on it. Looks like he did.

Senator Paul also points out that Fauci was up to his eyeballs in the cover up. “There’s culpability in that he’s a big supporter of the funding, but he also was a big supporter to this day of saying we could trust the Chinese on this.

I think that’s quite naive and really should preclude him from the position that he is in.” Conservative Americans agree wholeheartedly. Make America Great Again.

Fauci may or may not face criminal liability over this whole fiasco but at “the very least, there is moral culpability.” Wuhan scientists literally gave Fauci “credit” for the development of the virus, Paul scolds.

“It’s very dangerous.” The private emails show “he was acknowledging it was gain-of-function. The scientific community needs to look at this because he hides behind this veil of the lab coat that nobody can question him.”

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