Possible Voter Fraud Discovered in 3 Key Swing States

Voter Fraud

It may be a new election, but the same old shenanigans appear to be taking place in key voting states.

Honest Elections Project found a significant increase over the norm of registered voters in three of the most important swing states in the election.

In some cases, the voter rolls exceeded 100 percent of the voting population.

Something Hinky Going on

The three states in question are Colorado, Florida, and Michigan.

During the 2016 election, these three states were among the most highly contested, with winning margins of 2.8 percent, 1.3 percent, and .4 percent respectively.

The average registration rate, per the Census Bureau, is just under 67 percent.

In Michigan, there were 18 counties at over 90 percent and one over 100 percent.

In Florida, 27 counties were over 90 percent and seven were more than 100 percent.

In Colorado, there were 19 counties over 90 percent and five over 100 percent.

There is no sudden mass rush of voters registering, as the culprit is far more likely improperly maintained voter rolls, which opens the door to mass voter fraud come election day.

When people move, die, or are incarcerated, they are supposed to be removed from voter rolls, but that is clearly not happening in these states (quite frankly, in most states).

Very recently Wisconsin voter rolls, another key state, were ordered to be purged for much the same reason by a federal judge (although, Democrats are now fighting the order).

Jason Snead, Honest Elections Project Executive Director, stated, “All three states have multiple counties where voter registration rates exceed 90 percent, in some cases they exceed 100 percent.

“In the last election in 2018, the nationwide registration rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau was 66.9 percent.

“That disparity is a clear sign these states aren’t maintaining accurate voter rolls.”

You really have to ask, why are Democrats always fighting to leave the door open for old and/or inactive names to remain on voter rolls while Republicans and conservatives are fighting to maintain accurate and up to date voter rolls?

Could it be that one party relies on voter fraud to win while the other merely wants a level playing field?

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