A bleeding boy was spotted by police in a Bloomingdale’s Mall department store. What the case of the blood was, however, had police baffled, at least initially.
When they boy turned around, police had a much clearer picture as to what was actually happening.
The boy had welts and bruises everywhere, and ultimately his parents, 28-year-old Mariano Pinar, and his mother, Danzy Torres, were charged with severe abuse and neglect of the child.
The police were talking to Pinar outside of the store on the sidewalk, and he appeared very nervous.
With the boy anxiously standing next to his mother and father on the sidewalk, Mariano Pinar finally broke down and admitted the truth: before they had gone to the mall, he had whipped the boy with a belt because he wasn’t being quiet.
“I am sorry, but we couldn’t get him to shut up,” the boy’s mother said.
While the parents were being interviewed on the sidewalk, the boy himself seemed to be extremely nervous, crying, and scared. “My mom is the one who is bad,” he said. “All dad did was hit me today.”
“It was a bit disturbing, to say the least,” police chief Placido Diaz said. “The abuse on this boy was very severe, and it was even to the point where he had visible injuries and was actively bleeding.”
It didn’t take long for this story to go viral, and many parents called for the parents to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
“Good to see someone called the police,” one online comment read. “Hope the parents get beat with a belt once they get arrested. I hope they rot in jail and hopefully, that boy finds someone who will love him forever.”
Indeed, there were even some parents who volunteered to take the child themselves: “I would love the chance to take care of him forever. It’s a shame so many parents still hit their children. Poor sweetie.”
“So wrong,” another commenter added. “Please dear Jesus put your loving arms around him.”
Either way, let’s all hope that this dear sweet child has found himself a better living situation where he has loving and caring parents.