Plans for Large Scale Capitol Rally Emerge


Beltway liberals are so jittery that deplorable Trump supporters are planning a “large scale” rally at the Capitol you would think they were mainlining Folger’s crystals. They’re reportedly making plans to set the barricade fences back up. Nobody is mentioning the National Guard because they still haven’t been paid from the last time they had to stand Imperial Palace guard duty.

A rally for justice

All it takes are plans for a big rally focused on “justice” and all the Washington liberal lawmakers fly into panic mode. When they learned that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were behind the September 18 gathering, they really freaked out.

Any conservative group is labeled “far-right extremist” these days but those two coalitions send an extra shiver of terror down the spines of progressives.

The left doesn’t want to admit it but the FBI has already come up empty handed on the “insurrection” nonsense. There wasn’t one, they reported. President Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, even the My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, have been cleared of the charges.

For the rally later this month, deplorables will once again descend on the District of Columbia. This time, demanding justice for those unfairly charged following the January 6 barbarian invasion. This time, the “Metropolitan Police Department will activate its entire force for that day and has put specialized riot officers on standby.

Security insiders leaked to the press that Capitol Police leaders are frantically huddling together to decide if the “the large perimeter fence that was erected outside the Capitol after January’s riot will need to be put back up.” That idea to secure the rally is going over like a lead balloon. Sure it’s in the name of security but it makes getting in and out of the office a nightmare.

Office workers related that “they disliked closing off access, even as they acknowledged the increased level of security it provided.” Our fearless leaders are scrambling to find a compromise. As revealed by the rats, “officials have been discussing security plans that involve reconstructing the fence as well as another plan that does not involve a fence.”

Everybody has a bomb

The biggest fear in Washington D.C. is bombs. They’re more afraid of those than a Proud Boys rally. Everyone was convinced a couple of weeks ago that one was about to go off any minute. All the media outlets were giving a tense “hostage standoff” wall-to-wall coverage. It turned out that the threat was a guy who dared to park outside the library of Congress in a truck with no plates.

The apparently semi-schizophrenic occupant of the truck had nothing better to do that day, so he escalated the situation by telling cops to back up because he had a bomb. He didn’t. It took hours to find that out. Liberal lawmakers are still acting like he was strapped up like that guy in Kabul.

They’re also going crazy trying to figure out who planted the pipe bombs the night before the big January 6 barbarian invasion. How can they even think about letting deplorables have another rally when they don’t even know whether the Party HQ bomber is a man or a woman.

The FBI zeroed in on the suspect’s fancy shoes and got nowhere. “The FBI had asked Nike for information about the shoes and sought to analyze information from purchasers.” There was also a tip that “someone had placed an ad on Facebook Marketplace” selling “nearly identical shoes.”

Yogananda Pittman, the Capitol Police official in charge of the security failure during the invasion will be in charge again this time. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger reports that his department is “closely monitoring September 18 and we are planning accordingly.” That rally won’t get out of hand because they learned from the last one.

“After January 6, we made Department-wide changes to the way we gather and share intelligence internally and externally. I am confident the work we are doing now will make sure our officers have what they need to keep everyone safe.”