Perverted Teacher Caught Asking Young Students to Post Their Underwear Pics

Teacher Parent homework assignment creepy underwear

A Pittsburgh teacher is in trouble after assigning elementary students some disturbing homework. The teacher reportedly told students to show off a picture of their “creepy underwear.” Parents were furious.

Parents want teacher fired

Brianha Grant is the parent of a student in Pittsburgh. She was troubled when she saw the homework assignment her second-grade daughter received this week.

The teacher asked the young girl to post a photo of her underwear or to describe her underwear online. “I’m upset about it,” Grant said. “I don’t want my daughter engaged in anything that has to do with uploading anything personal to the internet.”

Grant immediately called the school to complain. The principal apologized and told her a librarian posted the assignment after reading the kids a book for Halloween.

“I’m more bothered that myself, as well as other parents whose children seen this, they have to explain to their kids how important it is not to do this,” Grant said.

Grant plans to pay close attention to her daughter’s assignments and warns other parents to do the same. “It makes me uncomfortable for my child to be in that school because I don’t know who else felt like this was OK,” she said.

When contacted, the school’s spokesperson said the district is aware of a questionable activity assigned by an educator as part of a class reading of the Halloween-themed book “Creepy Pair of Underwear.”

The assignment has been removed and the incident is currently under review. “Honestly, it’s like very disturbing and I don’t want anyone else’s children to ever have to go through this,” Grant said.

The school is refusing to comment on what disciplinary action it may take. Was this a harmless mistake or something more sinister?

Young children uploading underwear pics to the internet. What kind of teacher thought this would be a good idea? Pay close attention to who’s teaching your children and also what they’re learning in class.

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