Pennsylvania’s First Female Muslim ‘Hijabi’ Lawmaker Arrested


Another day, another corrupt Muslim politician exposed.

This time, it is PA State Representative Movita Johnson-Harrell.

More Financial Corruption

It was a really big deal when Muslims were elected to both state Houses and to Congress.

For all the celebration the Democrat party did, it is now being shamed.

On a national level, there was Rep. Ilhan Omar that has been brought up on finance campaign violations twice.

From what we have seen thus far, she was using her campaign funds as a personal ATM.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib is currently under investigation for financial violations as well.

And now, we have PA State Rep. Johnson-Harrell, who was using a charity she established for both personal reason and to boost her own campaign.

The violations by both Omar and Tlaib look like petty theft compared to what Johnson-Harrell has been accused of doing.

The Charges

The Muslim PA State representative was charged with using $500,000 to buy fur coats and to fund both vacations and her own political campaign.

In all, there were eight charges announced against her.

Johnson-Harrell announced she is going to resign and now she faces possible jail time for her alleged crimes.

Her resignation will be come into effect on December 13.

For her part, Johnson-Harrell has, of course, denied some of the charges against her.

She stated, “While I dispute many of the allegations lodged against me, I accept responsibility for some missteps made before I became an elected official.”

While she claims that she will “survive” the charges, PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office stated that she plans to plead guilty, but his office did not indicate if she is pleading guilty to all charges or if they cut some sort of sweetheart deal with the corrupt politician.

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