Pence’s Chief of Staff Makes Stunning Prediction About Nancy Pelosi

Pence Chief of STaff marc short

The move by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to delay the transmission of the articles of impeachment is being called out by everyone, including VP Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff, Marc Short.

According to Short, this is nothing more than another “political exercise” by Pelosi that will eventually come back to haunt her.

She Will Yield

Pelosi, thus far, has maintained that she wants to see what process is put in place by the Senate before moving forward.

The only problem for Pelosi is that she is not a member of the Senate and has no authority there.

Short stated, “I think her position is really untenable.

“She will yield, there’s no way she can hold this position.”

He further stated, “If her case is so airtight that she said, that she had to ram it through and it’s undeniable, why does she need more witnesses to make her case?”

Delay Tactics

Ideally, Pelosi would have sent the articles over to the Senate immediately.

This possibly could have enabled the Senate trial to begin right after the break.

Now, however, it seems the trial will not begin until at least the second week of June.

This similarly happened during the Clinton impeachment.

The House voted for impeachment on December 19, but House managers were not named until January 6, when the House returned from its Christmas break.

Pelosi even recently cited that timeline, stating, “Did you really think the United States Senate was going to start this trial before January 6?”

Our best guess is that as soon as the break is over, Pelosi will have no choice but to give in and transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

By that time, the media and the public will have had an additional two weeks to stew over this, so there will be considerable pressure to get this resolved.

If Pelosi has any hopes of holding onto her speakership, she will cave. If not, she is only holding this up at the demise of her own party.