Nunes Threatens Lawsuit Against CNN for Salacious Stories

Devin Nunes

This week, the newswires have been blowing up with stories of alleged wrongdoing by House Minority Leader Devin Nunes (R-CA).

Both CNN and the Daily Beast published articles using Lev Parnas as the primary source of information.

Parnas, who was arrested on October 9 and charged with planning to funnel funds from a foreign government to politicians here in the United States, has volunteered to testify before the House Intelligence Committee to reveal his “information.”

According to Parnas, Rep. Nunes traveled to Ukraine to secure dirt on Joe Biden.

Suing for Misinformation

Nunes did not take kindly to the stories and immediately announced his intention to take both CNN and the Daily Beast to court over the matter.

Nunes stated, “These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth.”

He added, “Some political operative offered these fake stories to at least five different media outlets before finding someone irresponsible enough to publish them.

“I look forward to prosecuting these cases, including the media outlets, as well as the sources of their fake stories, to the fullest extent of the law.

“I intend to hold the Daily Beast and CNN accountable for their actions. They will find themselves in court soon after Thanksgiving.”

On the Attack

Unlike the first two years of this administration, we are finally seeing people fight back against the Fake News other than Donald Trump.

Nunes stated, “Fakenews [sic] goes up in flames this week. They really think American people are pawns in their march towards socialism.”

Nunes’ spokesperson also had a few critical statements to make about the media.

Jack Langer stated, “The Daily Beast does not practice journalism, it’s just a Pravda-like messaging apparatus for the Democrats and resistance leakers.

“They flout fundamental journalism ethics and won’t even print responses they themselves request if the statements counter their narrative.

“They’re scribes and mouthpieces for their ridiculous anonymous sources, and they’ll regurgitate whatever dreck these unknown people spoonfeed to them.”

Make no mistake about it, patriots, we are at war with the media.

People that would have been laughed at as sources are now taken as gospel.

As we saw recently from ABC News and its bogus story about Syria, they are not even bothering to check the information they are receiving these days.

If it is critical of Trump or any Republican, print it!

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