New York Governor Vetoes Bill Due to Trump Derangement Syndrome

Andrew Cuomo

There are plenty of valid reasons for vetoing a piece of legislation, but the one Cuomo cited is one that we have never heard before.

When presented with legislation that would enable any federal judge to officiate a wedding, Cuomo decided to veto the bill because some of those judges were appointed by Trump.

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is defined as a mental condition for those that react negatively to anything and everything related to Trump.

We have usually used this term to describe the endless liberals that protest Trump rally’s or the idiots that put up videos of themselves crying over a piece of legislation Trump signed.

I honestly thought the worse of TDS had come and gone, but New York Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to have one of the worst cases we have ever seen.

Currently, New York law only allows state judges to preside over weddings.

The New York House addressed this issue by creating legislation that would permit all federal judges to do the same.

The bill passed with massive bipartisan support, then it got to the desk of Cuomo.

Rather than putting his signature on it, Cuomo decided to grab some headlines by vetoing the bill.

He explained his veto, stating, “I cannot in good conscience support legislation that would authorize such actions by federal judges who are appointed by this federal administration.

“President Trump does not embody who we are as New Yorkers. The cornerstones that built our great State are diversity, tolerance, and inclusion. Based on these reasons, I must veto this bill.”

The veto did not sit well with the State House, especially considering it was one of his fellow Democrats that sponsored the bill.

State Senator Liz Krueger, the sponsor of the bill, answered the veto by stating, “Four years ago we gave the Governor the ability to perform marriages. Two years ago we gave legislators that ability.

“Marriage in New York is inclusive, equal, and open to all who want it. So when it was suggested to me that we expand it to Federal judges, I thought, ‘why not? The more the merrier!'”

“I’m certainly no fan of the judges this president is choosing to appoint – but since any New Yorker can become a minister online for $25 and legally perform weddings, I didn’t consider this to be a major issue.”

I am just trying to picture the response we would have seen if, say, Greg Abbott, the governor Texas, vetoed legislation for this reason when Obama was in office. 

Does anyone want to wager on the likelihood of a national outcry or accusations of racism?

Cuomo is now leveraging his office to conduct a personal vendetta against Trump but all he is really doing is inconveniencing the residents of his own state.

Democrats love to say Trump acts like a child at times, but what is more childish and selfish than the veto that was just dished out by Cuomo?

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