Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) is set to run the next stage of the impeachment inquiry in the House Judiciary Committee.
Nadler recently extended an offer to Trump to testify or have his attorney attend the hearings, an invitation which he is now setting a deadline to respond.
Trump Would Love to Testify
President Trump had the media drooling when he said he would love the opportunity to testify before the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment inquiry hearings.
When Rep. Nadler heard this, he jumped at the opportunity to extend an invitation to Trump… with restrictions.
Trump, however, will be at a NATO conference during the first days of the hearings, but his attorney could still attend on his behalf, per Nadler.
Trump was sent a letter by Nadler, stating, “In anticipation of consideration of these matters, I am writing to determine if your counsel will seek to exercise the specific privileges set forth in the Judiciary Committee’s impeachment procedures adopted pursuant to H. Res. 660 and participate in the upcoming impeachment proceedings.
“In particular, please provide the committee with notice of whether your counsel intends to participate, specifying which of the privileges your counsel seeks to exercise, no later than 5 p.m. on December 6, 2019.”
Trump and/or his attorney can attend and ask as many questions as they want IF they do not block any House subpoenas.
And therein lies the rub.
That being the case, it is unlikely Trump will attend or have his attorney attend simply because it would be giving Democrats carte blanche during the hearing.
Reports Looming
In addition to the House Judiciary hearings, there are numerous reports about to hit that are going to be the focus of news reports in upcoming days.
When Congress returns to session this week, the House Intelligence Committee is expected to finalize its report and release it.
We can expect a scathing report that will recommend the impeachment of Trump.
In addition to that, the Inspector General report is due out by December 9, which will tell a different story.
That report is expected to be a precursor to a criminal indictment of at least one FBI official.
It will be very interesting to see how the Dems and media spin that report, as they will most likely try to belittle it and paint the Justice Department as Trump’s personal hit squad.