Michigan may end up being the first state in our country with a Muslim governor.
The battle between Dr. Abdul al-Sayed and Patrick Colbeck, however, is starting to take a very ugly turn.
About Sharia
Colbeck recently expressed concerns over Sharia (Muslim law) if al-Sayed is elected.
He also went after Buzzfeed, a media outlet that is on the left side of the argument more often than not, for painting Colbeck as some sort of right-wing extremist.
Rather than engaging in a debate, al-Sayed seemed to go off the deep end, telling Colbeck that all Muslims hate him.
The gubernatorial hopeful stated, “What frustrates me more is not that you have blatant racism on the part of certain people, but what frustrates me more is in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, is not when bad people speak out but when good people fail to speak out, and what I have not heard is the Republicans on this panel, decisively and swiftly call out this kind of Islamophobia, this kind of racism, in the context that they are wanting to represent the state that has the highest per-capita number of Muslim Americans in the country.
“Now you may not hate Muslims, but I’ll tell you, Muslims definitely hate you!”
People may not like to discuss it, but Sharia is very real in communities in this country.
The Muslim candidate had a real opportunity to quell fears, be they misplaced for not, but he failed miserably.
Spokesman for Secure Michigan, Dick Manasseri, stated, “Dr. Abdul definitely lost his cool.
“I think what we saw was an outburst. Abdul was not cool.
“Patrick is purposely trying to not make this his only issue, but when it comes up he’s not afraid to address it and Dr. Abdul showed he just can’t handle it.
“All he has in his bag of tricks is the canned response that everyone who asks about Sharia is a racist and an Islamophobe.”
Counter-terrorism expert Philip Haney had a similar take on the response by al-Sayed, stating, “He did what those guys tend to do, which is to change the narrative whenever the issue of Sharia comes up and make it about racism and so-called Islamophobia.
“But he showed his true colors there at the end. He’s not as slick as he thinks he is.”
This narrative that anyone dares question anything Muslim is a racist that we have seen Democrats use since Trump has been in office.
Whether they want to admit it or not, there is a real concern in this country about Sharia and it needs to be addressed.
The fact you have a possible governor shirking this and using this tired argument should be cause for concern for everyone, not just the residents of Michigan.