The man that President Trump calls ‘Mini Mike’ has dropped out of the presidential campaign today.
The man that was once blocking Biden’s path to the presidential nomination has now officially fallen in line behind Joe, which dramatically changes the face of this election.
Money Not Well Spent
From the outset, it seemed as though Michael Bloomberg was going to try to buy his way into this election.
He was making ad spends like we have never seen before and had recently told his staff to double it.
Bloomberg expected to finish in at least second in most states and he was hoping to win one or two.
He did win… American Samoa, which got him five delegates.
Honestly, the night was an embarrassment for Bloomberg, but it was a great night for Biden, which got even better the moment Bloomberg threw his support behind Biden.
Big Boost for Joe
Nobody on the Trump side of the aisle is taking any of these candidates seriously, which could lead to a very dangerous situation come election day.
Bloomberg can only donate so much to the Biden campaign, but where his influence comes in is the SuperPACs he will undoubtedly start and fund to pour tens of millions into Biden’s campaign.
Joe had been struggling financially to this point, but that is officially no longer a worry.
If you thought we saw a lot of Bloomberg ads, wait until the general election gets started and Bloomberg opens up the piggybank for Joe.
These ads are all going to be hit pieces and they will undoubtedly portray Trump as a racist, among other Democrat narratives.
This will energize more voters and they will most assuredly go after the Hispanic and black voters.
This does not mean Biden cannot be defeated, it just means that Trump supporters cannot stop their energy and they all must get out and vote on election day.
Based on the primary numbers, that should not be a problem, but we simply cannot take anything for granted heading into this election.
If you want Trump to win, continue to get out there and talk about the issues, get in Biden’s face if at all possible to confront him about his corruption, and VOTE!