Lindsey Graham Betrays Trump, Sides With Obama

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham recently betrayed President Donald Trump by siding with former President Barack Obama on ObamaGate. With the recent revelations of the Obama Administration being involved in the unmasking of General Michael Flynn, conservatives have called for an investigation. However, Graham has just spoken against the possibility of Obama testifying about ‘Crossfire Hurricane’, the FBI’s code name on the Russia-Trump hoax investigation.

In a released statement, Graham said, “No president is above the law. However, the presidency has executive privilege claims against other branches of government. … As to the Judiciary Committee, both presidents are welcome to come before the committee and share their concerns about each other. If nothing else it would make for great television. However, I have great doubts about whether it would be wise for the country.”

He also added that he is “greatly concerned about the precedent that would be set by calling a former president for oversight.”

Graham’s statement contradicts the wishes of Trump, who tweeted this week demanding Graham to call on Obama to testify.


Graham and the Globalists

Graham’s desire to not request Obama to testify is not a shock. He recently defended presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden, who is being accused of a sexual assault by Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer. 

On FOX’s Hannity show, Graham told host Sean Hannity, “The Joe Biden I know, I’ve never seen anything (or) believed that he would do anything like this until you convince me otherwise. I’ve never seen him do anything untoward toward a woman. I’ve never heard anything about him being inappropriate. That’s my view of Joe Biden.”

The timing of Graham’s response to Biden seems suspect. Added to his apparent displeasure of bringing in Obama to testify in his role in ObamaGate, one must remember how Graham was a ‘Never Trumper’ during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Graham, who bowed out of the Republican Presidential race in December of 2015, appeared on CNN in 2016. He had harsh words for Trump.

Graham said, “I don’t think he’s a reliable Republican conservative. I don’t believe that Donald Trump has the temperament and judgment to be commander in chief. I think Donald Trump is going to places where very few people have gone and I’m not going with him.”

Obama and Biden are not the only globalists that Graham has recently supported. He astonishingly declared that the vaccination kingpin, Bill Gates, should be head of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Graham has a strange list of bedtime buddies, like Obama, Biden, and Gates. Trump needs to tread lightly around the Senator from South Carolina. 

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