The attempted assassination of Donald Trump taught me one thing in my personal life, who the people are that I really want to associate with.
Give you an example, I have a friend that I have known since high school whose political views differ greatly from mine.
I know he voted for Biden in the last election, but I also know that he is a good person who I need to just try and convince that he is wrong about this one particular aspect of himself.
He was actually the first person to call me after the news broke that Trump had been shot.
His first question was if Donald Trump was ok. He didn’t make any jokes, he didn’t try to dunk on me for being a Trump supporter.
His first thought was to ask if Donald Trump was ok.
In the days since the horrible attempt on Trump’s life there have been people on the liberal side of things coming out of the woodwork that you have to wonder if they have any damned brains in their heads.
Many of you have probably seen by now the bandage that has been covering Trump’s right ear since the shooting.
Believe it or not, there are some people on the Democrat side of things that are actually trying to get people to think that Donald Trump was not actually shot.
They are trying to make light of the situation by saying that the wound on Trump’s right ear was from a shard of glass.
Can we see the ear or no? Just show us the ear.
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) July 17, 2024
I gotta tell you, these liberals are doing everything that they can to minimalize the idea that a former President of the United States was SHOT AT.
That’s the thing that they don’t seem to get is that he was shot at and came within literal inches of us having a totally different conversation than the one we are having now.
It’s typical liberal semantics when it gets right down to it. Whether or not he was actually shot or whether glass from something a bullet hit shouldn’t matter.
But they are trying to turn this into a pissing match, and it is absolutely disgusting.