ICYMI: State Department Phone Transcript Proves That Hillary Knew Benghazi Was a Planned Attack AFTER ALL


Although liberal Democrats would have you believe otherwise, there are many reasons why Donald Trump is in the White House today. One of the main reasons can be summarized down to just one word: Benghazi.

That’s right. When Hillary was Secretary of State, she botched the Benghazi incident very badly.

She insisted that it was a terrible internet video that spawned the attack, but is that really the case? Many individuals within the conservative press and on the other side of the aisle have continually doubted that story.

For example, Utah congressman Chason Chaffetz wrote the following in U.S. News: “Benghazi does matter. It isn’t just because some Americans were killed.

It is more because Hillary Clinton’s state department engaged in misdirection at the highest levels in order to cover up what really happened in that incident.”

Of course, liberals have poo-pooed these comments as just attacks from the right simply because Republicans have had no way to prove that Hillary Clinton and company really knew this was a planned attack…until now, that is. We now have a serious smoking gun.

The Smoking Gun

In a phone conversation with then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, Secretary Clinton said, “We know that the attack in Libya didn’t have anything to do with the film. It was not a protest. It was a planned attack.”

Prime Minister Kandil simply answers, “You are not kidding there. Based on some of the latest information I have seen, we have reason to believe that this group that is claiming responsibility for that attack has close ties with al-Qaida.”

So there you go folks. Yet another lie from Hillary Clinton. All I have to say is thank god this woman will never see the light of day in the Oval Office!

Here is the Viral Video that continues to play all over the internet proving that Americans have not forgot about our fallen hero’s

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