If you thought that Hillary was going to stop being crooked, lying and being deceitful just because Donald Trump cleaned her clock, then think again. Hillary Clinton has just been BUSTED AGAIN by getting involved in one of the most anti-American groups out there!
That’s right, folks, after Hillary Clinton lost her presidential bid to Trump, she still had 800K left in her coffers. Did she donate it to charity? Maybe she gave it to St. Jude, the Wounded Warrior Project, or some other worthwhile charity that needed the funds? Sadly, no.
What she actually did was transfer those funds to an anti-American group known as ANTIFA. Hillary Clinton said that she wanted to “champion those with the vision that earned 66 million votes in the last U.S. presidential election.” She called her new Super PAC Onward Together, and said that she was an “activist citizen and was a part of this resistance.”
She claims that her group is going to “work together on a bright future plan for many generations to come by supporting different groups that would encourage people to join together, organize, and run for office.” Just a reminder, but Hillary did say that she was part of “the resistance” in May of 2019.
She actually took it a bit further and defined the mission of her new Super PAC on her website (note the added emphasis in caps):
“Onward Together is a Super PAC that is devoted to advancing the vision that earned me almost 66 million votes in the 2016 election. We are encouraging people to organize, be involved, and run for office themselves. Moreover, Onward Together will advance various progressive values and we will continue to work to build a bright future for generations to come.”
“This starts by having citizen engagement at all levels, because we believe this is central to a vibrant and strong democracy. At present, WE’VE SEEN WHAT’S POSSIBLE WHEN PEOPLE COME TOGETHER TO RESIST BULLYING, HATE, FALSEHOODS, AND DIVISIVENESS, AND STAND UP FOR A FAIRER, MORE INCLUSIVE AMERICA.”
“We started with the Women’s March, and now we have graduated to airports where there are communities that are welcoming refugees and immigrants to town hall meetings in all communities, AMERICANS ARE SPEAKING UP AND SPEAKING OUT LIKE NEVER BEFORE.”
“As a country, we are facing some real challenges. However, there’s no telling what we would be able to achieve if we can approach these fights coming up with the passion and determination that we feel today, and if we can bring all of this energy into 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and beyond, there is no reason why we can’t change this country. Simply put, resist, insist, persist, and enlist.”
As you can see, the resistance is starting to build. And unfortunately, this isn’t a good kind of resistance like the one in the Revolutionary War. It’s more like something insidious and evil, like communism or Marxism.
Interestingly enough, the Gateway Pundit reported the following:
“When they were building investigations, the Daily Caller uncovered the fact that Hillary had moved a mass sum of at least $800,000 from her campaign over to her newly-established Super PAC Onward Together. She and her associates transferred this 800K from her failed 2016 bid for U.S. President, and she placed it in Onward Together JUST BEFORE she announced the launch of her new group. These documents were filed with the FEC soon after that fact.”
Luckily, there was another pro-Patriot group, Offended America, that got wind of this story, and they discovered just exactly where this money went:
“The Daily Caller asked at least five different groups that were linked to ANTIFA, and there was one, just one, that would even go to the trouble of denying that they received donations from Onward Together. This was the George Soros-backed group called Indivisible. This group denied receiving any type of financial support from Clinton’s group Onward Together.”
The Daily Caller continued, noting that Indivisible Spokesperson Hellen Kalla stated the following: “Onward Together has not given any financial support to us whatsoever.” Kalla did say that “Clinton’s group has simply been amplifying and highlighting our work through most of their digital networks. However, that has just consisted or retweeting our posts and highlighting our work through other social means, such as mass e-mails to people on their list.”
Of course, please READ ON for some other SERIOUSLY DISTURBING details regarding Onward Together.
First of all, it is apparent that Onward Together has been classified as a 501(C)4 “Social Welfare” organization, which means that it isn’t required to disclose any of their personal details, such as their own personal operations or just where many of their donations come from.
However, if they are receiving campaign funds and then in turn donating these funds to ANTIFA, it means that they are furnishing these funds to a terrorist group. Additionally, this also means that Clinton might very well be implicating many of her well-meaning supporters in aiding and abetting a domestic terrorist group.
What. A. Shock.
Hillary Clinton was essentially “forced into retirement” by Donald Trump, but she is still up to her old tricks. All one can say is that it’s a shame that she couldn’t be getting some of that dementia from Sleepy Old Joe. While I hate to wish ill on people, if she wasn’t doing well upstairs, at least she would stop being an ideological cancer to our country and continue to influence elections with radical candidates!