State Governor Wants to Help Illegal Small Business Owners

California business owners illegal aliens

Evidently, Gavin Newsom wants to be the best friend of all illegal aliens.

Recently, a reporter from Telemundo asked the California Governor what emergency measures are available to illegal aliens during the continuing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Telemundo is the second-largest Spanish-language television network in the world, and the reporter asked a relevant question. More immigrants live in California than in any other state. More to the point, 14% of them — about 1 in 7 lack proper documentation or permission.   

Governor Newsom, a Liberal Democrat whose policies are very welcoming to illegal aliens, took a moment to boast. He said, “No state in America does more to help residents regardless of their immigration status.”  

Helping Illegal Immigrants Instead of Citizens

First, Newsom bragged about California’s healthcare coverage for illegal aliens. In 2019, California became the first state to offer free healthcare to undocumented aliens living in the United States illegally. In other states, government-sponsored medical care is only provided during pregnancy or emergencies.

At the time, Newsom bragged, “We are the most un-Trump state in America when it comes to health policy.”

But despite Newsom’s cockiness, the truth is, most Americans don’t agree with him. 59% of people surveyed don’t believe that the government should provide healthcare to illegal aliens.

In response, President Donald Trump said at the time. “It’s crazy what they’re doing. It’s crazy. And it’s mean, and it’s very unfair to our citizens. And we’re going to stop it, but we may need an election to stop it.”

Bailing out Illegal Aliens 

Next, the Governor explained how his administration plans to assist illegal alien small business owners obtain emergency grants to stay afloat. All this while so much of the U.S. economy remains shut down Too many citizen business owners struggle with the shutdown.

Just yesterday, I annunced the work we’re doing to help small businesses. I very specifically mentioned in my remarks yesterday that there are many businesses, tens of thousands of businesses that do not and cannot get the support of the (Small Business Administration),” Newsom said. 

“To those individual businesses, we are making available these emergency grants through our Ibank, to do these microloans to provide access. That’s an example of what we’re doing to provide support for people across the panoply, including those without documentation in the state of California.”

…including those without documentation”…Governor Newsom’s priorities and intention is clear. No ambiguity. No taking his words out of context. And to accomplish this, he is using money that rightfully belongs to Californian taxpayers.

His administration is allotting $50 million for a micro-lending program through the California Infrastructure Economic Development Bank. This money is specifically earmarked for California businesses that would not otherwise be eligible assistance from the SBA, such as those owned by illegal aliens.

The Governor hopes to give even more taxpayer money to illegal aliens. “More will be done. More needs to be done,” he said.

In other words, Newsome is ready to write a blank check in the interests of illegal aliens…but NOT American citizens.


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