Oh What A Web We Weave When We Practice To Deceive
A long time Clinton investigator Peter W. Smith was found dead in his hotel room. Smith was deep into investigating Hilary Clinton’s missing emails.
The death has been reported as a suicide, but there were immediate alarms going off. Mr. Smith was actively investigating the Clinton’s. Shortly before Smith died, he was reaching out to Russian hackers in an attempt to locate Clinton’s missing emails.
Many insiders say that Smith’s death is extremely suspicious, given that type of investigation Smith was in the middle of when he died. This unfolding event, Smith’s death is alarming, as now another person involved in investigating one of the Clinton’s was found dead.
There have been several others that have died under extremely suspicious circumstances. A former employee of the Democratic National Committee Seth Rich, who died in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington D.C. in 2016.
Police said Rich had two bullet wounds in his back. The police also said that Rich was the victim of a robbery that escalated to murder.
The people that killed him have never been found, and a definitive motive for Rich’s murder has never been determined.
Seth Rich Was A Disgruntled Former DNC Employee Who Regularly Said “He Would Talk”
Many people who were close to Rich shortly before he was murdered, claimed that he had ‘dirt on Hilary Clinton’ and he wanted to expose her.
Ten days before Smith’s body was found, he participated in an interview with ‘The Wall-street Journal’. In the interview he talked about his efforts to locate Hilary Clinton’s ‘lost emails’.
Smith had been keeping an online journal about the steps he was taking in his attempts to locate the Clinton emails. The blog was quickly shut down, shortly after Smith’s body was found in a hotel room in Minnesota.
At the time of his death, police said he was found with a bag over his head. They also said they found a suicide note near his body. The note said, ‘he had been sick for a long time, and he decided to take his own life’.
Law Enforcement said just the note in and of itself is suspicious. “Why would someone committing suicide write a note like that”, law enforcement asked out loud.
Smith’s Suicide Note Also Indicated That A Life Insurance Policy Was About To Expire
The note that was found near Smith’s body said that he had some health issues lately. He also said his life insurance policy for five million dollars was about to expire.
So he decided to end his life. The hotel was a very short distance to the Mayo Clinic. According to law enforcement Smith had been a guest at the hotel for at least five days, he had extended his stay there one time.
He was supposed to check out on the day his body was found. Smith was seen working on a computer at the hotel business center. He told the hotel staff that he was going to be checking out in the morning.
Smith who was 81 at the time of his death was reportedly being treated for heart issues at the Mayo clinic. The spokesperson for Mayo would not confirm any of Smith’s medical issues or confirm that he was a patient there.
This is considered to be an ongoing investigation, with information coming in daily.
Reference https://independentminute.com/2019/10/23/body-count-rises-gop-operative-dead-after-set-to-expose-massive-russia-hillary-scandal/