As you are reading this, Joe Biden is railing about gun control and revoking our Second Amendment rights.
Somehow, he thinks now is the time to make his case after a good guy with a gun stopped a Texas church shooting that would probably have resulted in dozens of deaths if he were not there to stop the attack.
Good Guy with a Gun
Sunday morning, churchgoers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area had gathered at the West Freeway Church of Christ for the morning prayer service.
Early on in the service, a man suddenly stood and opened fire on the congregation.
Within six seconds of the man’s first shot, a security officer working for the church drew his weapon and put the shooter down.
Two parishioners were killed, with several more wounded.
The loss of life is tragic, but not nearly as tragic as it would have been if Governor Abbott had not amended the state law to allow concealed firearms inside places of worship.
Joe Biden says he thinks this law is ridiculous, which means he would have preferred the shooter to carry out his intended purpose and kill dozens of people in this church.
Republicans Tout New Legislation
After the shooting, while the state of Texas once again mourned a church shooting, there was also some subdued celebrating over the fact legislation prevented this shooting from being far worse than it could have been.
Britt Farmer, the senior minister of the church, stated the church had lost two “great men today, but it could have been a lot worse, and I am thankful our government has allowed us the opportunity to protect ourselves.”
Texas State Senator Donna Campbell stated, “We have learned many times over that there is no such thing as a gun-free zone.
“Those with evil intentions will violate the law and carry out their heinous acts no matter what.
“It makes no sense to disarm the good guys and leave law-abiding citizens defenseless where violent offenders break the law to do great harm.”
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated, “The immediate responder is the most important. The citizen responder. Because even though the chief’s brave officers were here in less than a minute … by the time they got here, the shooting was over.
“And that always happens, that over 50 percent of shootings, our first responders, it’s usually over when they get there, no matter how hard they try.”
Other than Joe Biden, several other Democrats chimed in on the wrong side of this argument.
Presidential candidate Julian Castro stated, “We can take steps to reduce these horrific attacks right now—we just need our elected leaders to have the courage to act.”
Failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke stated, “Clearly what we are doing in Texas, what we are doing in this country, when it comes to guns is not working.”
I would beg to differ with both of them, though.
Steps were taken by Governor Abbott and this shooting, while tragic, may also serve as a bit of a deterrent to others considering opening up fire in a church.
Up until that law was put in place, worshipers were like fish in a barrel, and now they have the ability to fire back and defend themselves.
I would say this is a huge step in the right direction.