Fox News Employee Caught on HOT Mic!

Fox News employee hot mic

As Fox News was switching to live coverage of President Trump speaking to reporters at the Sunday evening White House press conference, a Fox News employee can be heard muttering an expletive in the background.

A hot mic caught a Fox News employee muttering “ah, shit!” as the channel switched to President Trump speaking.

“Guess we have the president here,” the female anchor can be heard saying before a male voice is heard blurting the expletive.

The left immediately used this moment to whine about the president, with many people tweeting that they ‘understand’ how the employee felt, having to listen to President Trump speak. An author on a website called Political Tribune took the opportunity to write an entire article which pretty much sounded like every “orange man bad” meme that the left puts out.

Even Vanity Fair had to include the hot mic moment in an article discussing the recent non-scandal New York Times Trump-tax return exposé. In the New York Times article, they lead with a paragraph saying that Trump ‘only paid $750’ in taxes in 2016 and 2017. Later on in the article, they say that Donald Trump actually paid a combined $5.2 million, but his tax liability was only $750. The one thing missing from the ‘scandal’ article? Allegations of anything illegal.

Watch this video from Tim Pool to get the details on the lies about Trump’s taxes:

The left, as usual, is trying to turn even the tiniest thing into a scandal, since they can’t find any real scandals to point to. A ‘hot mic’ where someone says “Ah, sh*t” is not the story of the year, nor is there any context to assume that the employee’s outburst had anything to do with Trump. He could have spilled his coffee, dropped his phone, stubbed his toe… No one knows. The left is just desperate to find something even slightly scandalous about the president or Fox News.

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