Former Biden Aide Forming Super PAC for Biden

Joe Biden

It is supposed to be illegal for anyone involved in a campaign to be directly involved in a PAC or Super PAC.

Biden seems to be once again bending the rules to the point of breaking as a former aide is now reportedly helping to form a new Super PAC to get an influx of cash into the campaign.

Cash Problems for Joe

At this point in the election season, most small donors are about tapped out in terms of giving to campaigns.

That is clearly the case for Biden, as his fundraising numbers are shrinking and his campaign is spending far more than it is taking in.

During the last quarter, even Pete Buttigieg outpaced Biden in fundraising.

At last report, Biden had only $9 million left in his war chest, which is about a third of what the other top candidates are operating with.

In an effort to improve Biden’s cash flow situation, a former aide on his campaign is now going to be heavily involved in a new Super PAC to boost funding for the former vice president.

The aide refused to be identified, but said the forming of the Super PAC is “a sign of reality.”

He added, “Older voters like Joe’s don’t necessarily play this online small donor game.

“And we have to take reality the way we see it, in terms of our donor base, what they’re resources are.”

Showing Weakness

After considerable pressure, Joe Biden’s campaign, like many of the other campaigns, swore off support from Super PACs.

Now, however, he is going back on his word, a clear sign of weakness from within the campaign.

A Democrat strategist agreed with that assessment, stating, “It’s definitely a choice that comes in a moment when his financials aren’t competing with Bernie, Warren and Buttigieg.

“Giving a wink to outside help may alleviate some of that gap, but it’s done as his opponents are putting up huge grassroots numbers, so it’s hard to say that this doesn’t seem reactionary to that.”

I have repeatedly called Biden out for his course reversals, and here he is doing it again.

Biden’s fellow Democrats were also not shy about calling out Biden for his sudden reversal.

Bernie Sanders, who has railed against Super PACs for years, stated, “I do not think a super PAC is healthy for American democracy.”

Elizabeth Warren also expressed his displeasure via Twitter…

This move may get Biden more money to continue his campaign but it is going to hurt his credibility with voters and his fellow candidates in the Democrat primary race.

The important thing to stress here, though, is that Biden has once again proven that he can be bought and he is NOT a man of his word.

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